Brutal Doom versão 0.10B: Agora com Meatshields.

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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por DU0 »

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Registrado em: Ter Jan 19, 2010 2:23 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por ibm5155 »

DU0 escreveu:Download, cadê?

Skulltag: ... mv010.html
GZDOOM ... mv010.html

Quais são as novas:
- Fixed the old "Emo Monsters" bug, that caused many enemies to commit suicide when firing at a high target, by shooting their own heads.
- Replaced the alternate Zombieman Fatality, plus, added alternate fatalities for Imp and ShotgunGuy.
- Improved smoke and explosion particles.
- Now, Rocket Launcher will reload every 6 shoots.
- Shotgun reload can be stoped by kicking.
- All bugs concerning the Fatalities have been fixed. I have tested all of them, with different ammounts of health, and all of them are working properly, and 3rd person camera stuck bug doesnt happens anymore. The only problem is, when you perform a fatality on health under 30, sometimes there is a small delay for the fatality to start, This seems to be unfixable at this momment, but even late, it never fails.
- Changed the Spectre's appearence: Now, he looks like a stealth monster, but not totally invisible; you can still see his eyes when he is not attacking/getting hit.
- Reduced the volume of splash and torch fire sounds.
- Revenants' alt combo attack will not cause splash damage anymore. (It was overpower, and often causing them to commit suicide)
- New boss balance: Cyberdemons can be killed by 18 direct rocket hits in it's breast/head, and Spider Mastermind can be killed by 16 rockets at it's brain, but shooting a Spider Mastermind's chasis is useless now, it will deal insignificant damage with any weapon (exept BFG).
- Fixed a bug that could make ceiling bloodspots get stuck in middle air if spawned under a moving ceiling.
- Added more animation sequences for the fatality on Mancubus.
- Polished many weapons, including the secret MP40.
- Polished all headshot animations. Now, headshots are looking way more satisfactiable.
- Randomized the HeadOnStick with different heads.
- Now you can shoot the skulls in the pole with skulls, but unlike Beautiful Doom that has a fix sequence, you can shoot any skull.
- Added body psychs (sort of it). Kick/punch a dead zombieman corpse to animate it.
- Remade the sprites holding the Lost Soul using the Blood Skullstaff sprites. Also, if you change weapons while holding a it, Doomguy will smash the Lost Soul with his hand.
- Imps are more agressive. Now they will jump to attack players with more brutality when they are in the melee range. Imps can also now perform fatalities on players/Marines when hitting the whole melee combo attack.
- Replaced Invisibility Sphere by rescuable Marines. To rescue a marine, just punch/kick him, and he will join you. Warning: When enemies spots you, they will imediatly attemp to execute any nearby captured marine before you can rescue him.
I have tryed everything to make this item more useful, but I failed. I think this is a better addition to gameplay than a dumb item that makes enemies spread their projectile attacks increasing the chance of hitting you if you are sidestrafing them. Also, the spheres were placed in spots that now will create some interesting situations, almost cutscenes, like in E1m7 on UV, you look through the window, and see a bunch of shootgunners executing a Marine. Or Like in E2M5, there is a captured marine that triggers an ambush if you try to get him, like if the hellspawn let the poor bastard live just to use him to get you.
- Fixed the old bug causing players to get damaged by blood.
- Blood will splat and flow over the screen when shooting enemies so close.
- Shotgun won't auto-reload anymore.
- Added screen damage effects when player gets hit by different damage types.
- Fixed the bug with Megaspheres and Soulspheres not adding to player's health.
- Player can store the captured Lost Soul for later use when switching weapons again.
- Problems with game crashing after loading, and map-placed Berserks not showing up after loading a game seems to be solved (I hope!).
- Kicks have changed. Now, they work more as a tactical attack, dealing less damage, but pushing enemies away. Zombiemen and Shotgunners are knocked down (but not killed) by kicks, and stay a short time completely out of action.
- Rifle won't have to reload at game start.
- Fixed the Old status bar for good. DONT USE THE OLDER FIXING PATCH NOW.
- Fatalities for Baron of Hell and Hell Knight.
- While on Berserk, Barrels can be grabbed and tossed at enemies.
- Friendly marines won't hurt you.
- Polished Chaingunguy's fatality.
- Rifle will be semi-automatic again. It's just pointless to have a full-auto starting weapon. It's Doom, not MW2. The good thing about it, is if you press the trigger real fast, you can fire faster than before.
- Increasing the time that head hitboxes lasts. I was sometimes shooting at zombie heads, and not hiting them, but now it is fixed for good.

And many stuff that I don't mention here. Aw, come on, does somebody really reads this thing?
Video mostrando as novidades:

OFF:por que as pessoas que não são cadastradas não podem ver mais os foruns?

EDIT:GZDOOM o nome adicionado.
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por Ravick »

yurisan escreveu:Como faço fatality, não consigo!!!
Mata alguém com soco durante o Beserk Pack.

Essa do model atravessnado a imagem é a única coisa de que posso reclamar. Apesar disso, o mod está perfeito! *-*

A Lost Soul com medo de ser arremessada ficou genial! :lol:
Mandamento ravickista: Faz o que tu queres, desde que não me enchas o saco!
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Registrado em: Ter Jan 19, 2010 2:23 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por ibm5155 »

Eu não reclamaria, pela primeira vez uma sprite que atira correndo e parado, e não sai correndo atirando com a sprite parada...

Agora bem que abaixado poderia ter algo do genero também
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Registrado em: Seg Nov 30, 2009 2:58 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por Ravick »

Ahn, é só questão de desenhar, rs. Deêm uma folga, o cara deve passar metade do tempo no paint/fireworks, po! :lol:
Mandamento ravickista: Faz o que tu queres, desde que não me enchas o saco!
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Pedro Vc
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por Pedro Vc »

Lol, o marine aperta os mamilos do Hell Knight até ele explodir.
Aliás, foi tu que fez essas fireballs ae?
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Registrado em: Ter Jan 19, 2010 2:23 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por ibm5155 »

Da uma folga uma ova, julho ta chegando ai e eu vo te tempo de sobra pra continuar os mods...
Mas admito que o mod dele surprendeu-me, só acho estranho ele atualizar nos foruns do zdoom,gzdoom e skulltag e não atualizar na brdoom...
Pocha eu não ia te saco pra faze todas aquelas prints, por mim eu pegava o ds-models e fazia nele mesmo as animações...
Mas cada um é cada um, quem so eu pra criticalo.

Eba fatalitie do peitinho kkkkkk
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Sgt. Mark IV
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Registrado em: Qui Dez 03, 2009 2:29 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por Sgt. Mark IV »

Não upei a 0.10 aqui nem na Doomworld porque ela está bugada. Quando eu terminar a 0.10b, eu posto.

Peitinho? lol. O Marine agarra o Hell Knight e literalmente rasga ele em duas partes, e vocês pensam em mamilos? :lol:

Pedro Vc escreveu:Aliás, foi tu que fez essas fireballs ae?
Fui eu que fiz o DECORATE. Os sprites são de umas explosões overused que tem por ai. Percebi que esses sprites são muito mais úteis como particulas de fogo do que explosões.
Editado pela última vez por Sgt. Mark IV em Qua Jun 29, 2011 10:50 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
[LUTO] Megaman Deathmatch ganhou um Caco. Aqui jaz a honra do Skulltag.
O que esse futuro sombrio reserva para nós agora? "Barney Vs. Teletubies"? Ou "Cocoricó Vs. Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum"?
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.9: Mais sangrento do que nunca!

Mensagem por ibm5155 »

Deve doe kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, Então ta explicado...
IBM5155 Infos (mods/videos/foruns...)
I'm The Legend 50%
"Q2ONSKULLTAG 3% "Projeto morto :(
Doom 2 High Music Pack 100%
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Sgt. Mark IV
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Registrado em: Qui Dez 03, 2009 2:29 pm
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Re: Brutal Doom versão 0.10B: Agora com Meatshields.

Mensagem por Sgt. Mark IV »

Agora sim, a 0.10b tá pronta. Tem um monte de coisas novas. (Vou copiar e colar o changelog lá do Skulltag aqui porque agora eu to com preguiça pra traduzir tudo)

- Fixed bugs regarding SSG infinite ammo.
- Now the SSG alt fire is more stable to use. Holding the alt fire button won't fire both barrels in a row. You must release the alt fire after shooting the first barrel in order to shoot the second. (Suggested by Vaecrius)
- Imps are not randomly killing themselves with their fireballs anymore.
- I think I am in the right course to fix the blood pools on water. I have not completely fixed it, but there is much less blood on water now than before.
- Shooting a Baron of Hell/Hell Knight won't leave green blood splats behind it anymore.
- Removed the red lines on pain effect.
- Changed sprite for Rifle Pick-up (Thanks to SamVision)
- Some fatalities are performed faster.
- Reduced the amounts of blood in some fatalities so the player can now see what is happening
- Better blood texture for blood pools (By Dick Socrates)
-The deaths with Super Shotgun at point-blank range are no more the same as Xdeath ones. Now the killed monster will turn into red sauce like in Vanilla Doom, but lots of blood and meat pieces will be sprayed behind it. Much like the Xdeaths in Painkiller. Also, if there is a wall behind it, the whole wall will get painted in red. I'm sure that it will make everyone fell that killing enemies with SSG at point-blank range much more satisfactory.
-And now, there are stealth kills. You can perform a stealth kill by attacking an imp/zombie with melee attacks from behind breaking it's neck if he still don't noticed you. You don't need Berserk pack to perform it.
-Imps can be used as meat shields. When you get a imp injured with his guts out, if you are under the Berserk effect, punch his body (not his head, or it will kill him), and you will able to use him as a shield. I plan adding this feature to new monsters in the future.

Videos da versão 0.10 e 0.10b:

[LUTO] Megaman Deathmatch ganhou um Caco. Aqui jaz a honra do Skulltag.
O que esse futuro sombrio reserva para nós agora? "Barney Vs. Teletubies"? Ou "Cocoricó Vs. Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum"?

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